Liveable City Strategy 2040

The Liveable City Strategy 2040 (LCS) is Manningham’s 20-year plan to improve the liveability of our municipality, from our urban/suburban neighbourhoods to our rural areas – providing choice in how we live, work and play.

The LCS will help shape the future of the municipality over the next 20 years and ensure Manningham will continue to evolve as a liveable, resilient, and desirable place to be.


Strategic direction

The strategy covers the following key directions:

  • vibrant activity centres
  • thriving employment
  • housing choice and distinct communities
  • greening our city
  • sustainable transport and travel mode choice
  • building social and cultural connections. 

The LCS focuses on:

  • creating vibrant activity centres and community places
  • encouraging jobs growth in the suburbs
  • providing housing and transport choice
  • protecting Manningham’s valued landscape character.

Importantly, the LCS provides a plan for every neighbourhood as well as our activity centres.


Key concept

A key concept in the strategy is ‘Living locally - 20 minute neighbourhoods’ which is a core principle of Metropolitan Melbourne’s Plan Melbourne 2050

The aim of a '20-minute neighbourhood’ is to create a place where people can meet most of their daily needs within a 20-minute walk from home, with safe cycling and local transport options.


Community engagement

The LCS was created following feedback from Imagine Manningham 2040 (IM2040) – an extensive community engagement project undertaken in 2019 that captured the views of a wide cross-section of Manningham’s diverse and varied community.