Manningham considers Minister’s response to North East Link EES

5 Dec 2019
Well Governed Council

Manningham Council is reviewing the Planning Minister’s response to the Inquiry and Advisory Committee’s (IAC Panel) assessment of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the North East Link project, both released today.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Paul McLeish said Council had been working since 2017 to advocate for the best outcome for the community in regards to Victoria’s largest ever road project.

“In November 2017, the Victorian Government decided on ‘Option A’ through Bulleen.  We’ve made a major commitment of resources on behalf of our community to present to both the Government and the IAC our many concerns with the significant impacts of this project. 

“The Planning Minister’s report and the Panel’s assessment provides more detail on the way forward for our residents and businesses. We are currently reviewing these detailed documents to determine how our advocacy requests have been addressed. We will provide a comprehensive update on how this will impact Manningham shortly,” Cr McLeish said.

Manningham will be one of the most impacted municipalities with seven years of construction, acquisition of homes and businesses and the loss of over 1,200 jobs from the Bulleen industrial precinct.

Detailed legal submissions were presented by Council’s legal team at the Inquiry and Advisory Committee Panel Hearings throughout July to September 2019. During this process, Council strongly advocated for the following outcomes:

  • A redesign of the planned Manningham Road interchange
  • Support for the Bulleen Industrial Precinct businesses and employees
  • Community parkland at Bulleen Park to be preserved and protected
  • A request to commence construction of the tunnel from the north (at Greensborough Highway) to minimise construction impacts to Bulleen
  • A leaner Eastern Freeway widening design contained within the existing Freeway reservation
  • Visually appealing noise walls and protection from construction impacts
  • Minimal loss of open space at Bulleen Park and impacted sporting clubs re-accommodated
  • Support for the Doncaster Busway, with priority bus services and provision for a rail link
  • Protection of the historic River Red Gum tree in Bulleen
  • Minimal loss of trees and vegetation along the entire alignment
  • Avoiding any further undergrounding of the Koonung Creek
  • Complementary projects such as a new pedestrian/cycling bridge across the Yarra River in Bulleen funded and delivered

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