The Landcare Network is actively involved in a range of revegetation projects, seed collection and propagation, and working with threatened species in the Middle Yarra area.
The Middle Yarra Landcare Network (MYLN) comprises four groups
- Friends of Warrandyte State Park (FOWSP);
- Jumping Creek Catchment Landcare Group (JCCLG);
- Andersons Creek Catchment Landcare (ACCA) and
- Wonga Park Environment Group (WPEG).
Total membership is in excess of 300 families who are supported by Council with planning, practical on ground help, education, supervision and committee membership. Last year more than 14,000 plants were planted, on public and private land, and weeding included large areas of woody weeds, as well as hand weeding smaller areas of delicate ground storey.
Nest boxes were also specifically made for the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale, also known as Tuan.
The MYLN held seed collection and propagation sessions throughout the year and included plants for revegetation projects and threatened species.
FOWSP has an information trailer staffed by volunteers at the monthly Warrandyte Market and have a display of indigenous plants for sale. The trailer is located at the annual Warrandyte Festival, next to a MYLN tent.
For more information on how to join visit their websites listed above or log an online service request