Media release: Dedicated outreach program to support youths

26 Jul 2017
Healthy Community

A dedicated youth mental health outreach program will be soon be available to help young people with mental health issues in Manningham. 

The program will be established upon signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Manningham City Council, YMCA Manningham Youth Services and Access Health and Community on Tuesday, 1 August.   

Manningham City Council Mayor Cr Michelle Kleinert said there was a need for further mental health resources for young people aged 12 to 25 in Manningham.

“I’m excited Council is working with headspace Hawthorn and YMCA Manningham Youth Services to introduce this dedicated outreach program to our City,” she said. 

“This program is about making sure young people and their families have support and information available locally.” 

The outreach program covers four core areas, including mental health, physical health, work and study support, and alcohol and other drug services.  It will complement existing youth and mental health services currently available in Manningham.  

Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows suicide is the leading cause of death for Victorians aged 15 to 24 years old.

Dr Harry Majewski, CEO Access Health and Community, the lead agency for headspace Hawthorn, said early intervention and providing young people and their families with mental health support was important to prevent mental health issues escalating. 

“We create opportunities for young people to reach out for help and assist those who wouldn’t usually ask for help,” he said. “It’s important to break the stigma associated with mental health.”

Manningham YMCA CEO Michele Rowse said she was excited YMCA Manningham Youth Services will be working with headspace Hawthorn in supporting young people in the community. 

“Making the transition into adulthood is never easy and the more support and guidance we can provide locally, the easier the process will be,” she said. 

This year’s Manningham Community, disco-themed Mayoral Ball on Friday, 13 October, is dedicated to raising funds to establish this service in Manningham.

For more information and to purchase tickets for the event, please visit 

Photograph and interview opportunities are available.