There are a range of health and support services, programs and resources to support our community.
There are a range of health and support services, programs and resources to support our community.
These community-based agencies and organisations provide emergency relief and material aid such as food hampers, vouchers and pantries to people in financial crisis living in Manningham as part of the Food Relief Network.
Homelessness and crisis accommodation and support
We take a dignity first approach to homelessness, recognising that homelessness or sleeping rough in public places is not illegal. With the ever-increasing cost of living, and any one of a number of life changing events, people can find themselves needing crisis accommodation when they least expect it.
We work closely with a range of service providers to enable people experiencing homelessness, sleeping rough and/or needing crisis accommodation to find a safe place to rest.
If you do have a welfare concern for a person who appears to be experiencing homelessness and/or sleeping rough, contact us on 9840 9333 and we will make a referral to the appropriate service provider.
The following community agencies provide crisis accommodation and support:
If emergency assistance is required or a person is suspected of committing an offence or is engaged in any illegal activity, the matter should immediately be reported to the Victoria Police on 000.
Our community is diverse with residents from more than 140 countries.
Mental health is a state of emotional, social, and psychological wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also impacts how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
Find support with our online resource directory.
This service provides transport from your home to pre-determined destinations in the community such as local shopping centres or senior citizen clubs. ...
Manningham Community Transport Service is now operated by EV Community Transport.
To contact EV Community Transport, phone 9870 7822 (press 3 for Manningham clients) or email customerservice@ev.org.au.
For more information please visit the EVCT website
People aged over 65 years (over 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
To be eligible, you will need to be:
How much does it cost?
The cost per round trip for eligible residents is currently $6.70 (for existing regular trips in Manningham). Costs for other services will be provided upon booking.
Need help?
Call us on 9840 9230 or Contact us in a way that you prefer.
If you are experiencing genuine financial hardship you can apply for a special payment arrangement with us for your Rates.
How can I apply?
You’ll need information about:
Once received we will process your application within ten business days.
We are here to help If you have any questions or need assistance completing this application please contact us.
Find support with our online resource directory
For Emergencies | call 000
SuicideLine Victoria | 1300 651 251
Suicide Victoria offers free professional online counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.
Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14
Lifeline provides mental health support and emotional assistance on the phone and online.
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800
Kids Helpline is a free phone and online counselling service for young people aged between 5-25 years.
Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue provides support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illness.
Nurse on Call | 1300 60 60 24
Nurse-on-call helpline provides health advice from registered nurse, 24 hours a day.
Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) | 1300 721 927
The Outer East Crisis Assessment Treatment team provide mobile assessments to people in psychiatric and short-term home treatment as an alternative to hospital.
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) | 1800 806 292
SACL is a state-wide after hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.
Safe Steps | 1800 015 188
Safe Steps is a specialist support service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing family violence specialist support to anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence.
General Information
Mental Health Foundation Australia provides a range of networks, services, advocacy, events, and support groups for the community to seek support on mental health illness.
Translating and Interpreting Service provides access to services for people with limited or no English language ability. Phone 131 450
Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people who are in crisis with the services they need right now and nearby.
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia supports the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood.
MensLine Australia is a national 24 hour, 7 days a week men’s helpline offering support, information and referrals for men with emotional health, family and relationship concerns. Phone 1300 78 99 78
Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. Confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues is provided. Phone 13 22 89
NEAMI is a not-for-profit organisation providing mental health, homelessness and suicide prevention services.
SANE provides mental health support, information, resources and online forums for family and friends. Phone 1800 187 263
Find support with our range of online resources for wellbeing and mental health support.
Community legal centres work with residents to prevent problems, progress fair outcomes and support the wellbeing and resilience of communities. Community legal support providers for Manningham include:
This content was correct as of September 2024 and will be reviewed frequently.
If amendments are identified or you know of another mental health service to be considered, contact us.
See what support services we offer for your needs - including links to official services by other providers.
We provide a range of grants, funding opportunities and local initiatives to support our community.
View all our Maternal and Child Health Centres opening hours and maps
Setting up a new business is an exciting and challenging time with many things to consider such as budgets, staffing, branding, operations and marketing. It's important to think about the big picture and how you would like to grow into the future.
Below you'll find a range of resources, tools and information available to support all types of local businesses.
The Manningham Business Team are here to assist you with resources, networking events and various training programs throughout the year.
Have a new business idea? Find out when you need a permit and where you can get advice.
Eastern Volunteers delivers services directly to the community and encourages and supports volunteering in the community.
There are a range of local associations that encourage networking and mentoring opportunities for small businesses as well as annual events and training.
MyTime is a free support group for parents and carers who have children under 18 years of age with a disability, chronic medical condition or other additional needs including developmental delay.
MyTime is a place to:
In some MyTime sessions, members just relax over a coffee, talk about their week and share advice and information. In other sessions, a facilitator might lead a discussion on a topic of interest. Sometimes we may hold an activity aimed at helping members relax and take care of their well-being.
Older adults in Manningham are invited to join this supported public transport experience to East Melbourne for a lunch and garden outing.
Let us support you to travel to Bulleen Park and Ride bus depot, and then via public transport to Sir Osborn Cafe and Parliament Gardens.
How does it work?
Attendees will be picked up from their homes by EV community transport. They will be dropped off at Bulleen Park and Ride where they will take public transport to the Sir Osborn Cafe and Parliament Gardens.
After lunch, attendees will then take public transport back to Bulleen Park and Ride, where they will be picked up by EV community transport and dropped home.
Cost: $5 booking fee plus $3 for Seniors Myki Card (purchase own lunch).
Registration is essential and places are strictly limited.
Call EV Community Transport on 9870 7822 to register or for more information.
Does your dog:
If you said yes to any of the above, your dog may be feeling distressed about being left alone.
Join certified separation anxiety trainer David, as he talks through the basics of alone time training, debunks some common myths, and shares some guidance on when to talk to your vet.
The Red Gum Café located in the Manningham Uniting Church and Community Centre, has now been accredited by Dementia Australia as being Dementia Friendly.
The Red Gum Café has been established as an accessible and safe environment for people living with dementia, and their carers and families, with staff having successfully undertaken training to help people living with dementia to enjoy social and community connections.
The café is open Tuesday to Friday, 9.00am to 3.30pm, and on Saturdays from 9.00am to 2.00pm.
A support group for carers assisting people living with dementia currently meets in the café on the first Friday of every month, at 1.30pm.
Please note: The Friday group is established and no new participants will be added. New additional meeting days and times will be arranged for those wanting to attend and connect.
Please contact the Church Hub to express your interest to join a new group.
Representatives from Manningham Senior's Clubs are invited to attend this free workshop.
This session will help grant writers to understand the basics of submitting grant applications.
Topics covered:
Presented by: EV Community Strengthening, Viv Cunningham-Smith.
Audience: Maximum two representatives from each Manningham Seniors Club to attend.
Cost: Free.
What to bring: Bring your project idea with you.
View the Senior's Club Support Grant guidelines and apply
Below we have collated some of our popular applications.
The Seniors Club Support Grant is a category of the Community Grant Program. The grant allows seniors clubs to achieve short to medium term community development outcomes.
The aim of the grant is to:
Grant currently closed. Next round opens August 2025.
Funding is up to $8,000. Allocations are for one financial year. There’s no repeat funding.
The estimated allocation for the Seniors Club Support Grant category is $70,000 per annum.
You will have to agree to the terms and conditions of the Community Grant Program too.
Before starting your application, make sure your organisation is eligible to apply.
Confirm that you are applying for the right grant category.
After checking you have got the right category, develop a project proposal that includes:
Before finishing your application, make sure you discuss your proposal with us. Although, you won’t need to speak with us beforehand if you’re applying for the Small Grants category.
We can help you with your application. We can also give advice on how to apply online.
To discuss your application, contact us.
Refer to the guidelines and review the assessment criteria for the relevant category before you finish.
Use the application checklist to help you to prepare your application to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
Having trouble logging into SmartyGrants? Find out how to reset your password.
Subscribe to the Community Grants Program mailing list and keep informed of upcoming grants and community training sessions.
Already familiar with applying for a grant process?
Login to smartygrants.
Grant Finder brings together grants from national, state, and local government along with opportunities from corporate organisations and foundations.
This service is open to all local businesses, community groups, not-for-profits, and individuals.
Register online to receive email alerts about upcoming funding opportunities.
The Community Grant program supports and empowers community groups and organisations to deliver programs and activities for our community in Manningham.
We are committed to developing and fostering partnerships with not-for-profit groups and organisations whose work enriches the municipality and is consistent with our vision.
These grants are designed to help property owners with land care education, land stewardship, pest and animal control and ecological improvement works.
We’re committed to being a dementia friendly city. We recognise that a person with dementia can still be an active member and can still live their best lives.
You can learn more about our commitment to being a dementia friendly city in our action plan.
After a dementia diagnoses, it’s easy for you or your loved ones to feel overwhelmed. Support is available to help maintain a person’s independence and help them live well.
Dementia Australia can help individuals, couples and families by helping you:
Become a dementia friend and make a positive difference to people living with dementia.
Register today and help increase awareness and support for people living with dementia.
Misusing words with negative connotations when discussing dementia can have negative impacts. It can also lead to stigma or discrimination. To ensure that the words we’re using are sensitive to those affected by dementia, Dementia Australia’s language guidelines is a great resource.
You can get common sense advice and practical strategies on issues related to dementia from Dementia Australia’s help sheets.
To learn more, contact the National Dementia Helpline toll free 1800 100 500 or visit the Dementia Australia website.
As part of our commitment to addressing climate change, we encourage our community to adopt more sustainable practices. One way we support this is through grants and rebates that promote sustainability.
Learn about the support available for individuals and groups working on projects that help improve the sustainability of Manningham's natural environment.
As part of our climate change response, we're focused on building a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future. We're reducing emissions in Council operations, managing energy, water, and waste responsibly, and empowering our community through awareness, education and support to do the same.
Support is available to help you go all-electric. Use the links below to find out about discounts, loans and rebates on offer through Local Government, State Government and Federal Government initiatives.
State and federal governments, along with their partners, offer various loans, financial support, and incentives for sustainability projects.
For individuals
For community groups
For businesses
We are proud to deliver over 100 different services to our vibrant and diverse community. Discover our community, heritage and surrounds. Learn what drives our strategic vision - and how we do it.
Learn more about your property's rates and valuations.
Find information on our policies.
Find information on our strategies and action plans.
There’s something for everyone in Manningham. From sacred sites of the area’s First Peoples to the early gold mining settlements, the local area has a bit of everything for you to appreciate and enjoy.
We are committed to developing and fostering partnerships with not-for-profit groups and organisations whose work enriches the municipality and is consistent with our vision.
We are committed to managing our city’s infrastructure efficiently and sustainably to better meet the needs and expectations of our growing community.
Our capital works program brings this commitment to life by managing the maintenance and improvement of council assets, facilities and community spaces through a number of key projects.
Support is available at every stage of your child’s life and development.
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy outlines how we will continue to work with our community and partner organisations to ensure our residents are healthy, safe, resilient, connected and included. Seven priority areas have been identified to promote a Healthy Community:
Find the resources below curated specifically for helping parents, guardians and families.
We support families with children aged from birth to school age. Our specialist staff will guide you through your early parenting years to provide free support for your child’s development, growth, nutrition and general wellbeing.
Learn more about Maternal and Child Health Services.
To reduce risk of spread of infection, we request that families do not attend if parent or child/ children are unwell.
To reschedule your appointment, please call 9840 9188.
Information for parents with infants and young children relating to MCH services is found at Maternal and child health services - Better Health Channel.
You may also contact the 24 hour Maternal and Child Health Line on 13 22 29 or contact your local GP.
Book your child’s next Key Age and Stage Maternal and Child Health appointment
View all our Maternal and Child Health Centres opening hours and maps
Our parenting seminar series provides parents with the tools to be well informed and involved in their children’s lives.