Finding a smarter solution for household rubbish

18 Sep 2020
Well Governed Council

We’ve partnered with 15 South Eastern councils and the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group (MWRRG) to seek proposals from industry for a smarter way to deal with household rubbish.

The project will deliver a vital alternative to landfill that will transform how household rubbish is managed by putting it to good use instead of burying it in the ground.

Why this project is needed

The south east has some of Melbourne’s fastest growing suburbs, and the population is expected to grow substantially in coming years.

Household rubbish is projected to increase by 40% over the next 25 years and it will all be sent to landfill unless another solution is found.

The amount of available landfill space in the south east is dramatically decreasing with some landfill sites set to close in a few years. This means Councils need to find an alternative solution for household rubbish that is not recyclable.


Advanced waste processing—an alternative to landfill

Advanced waste processing solutions are proven technologies that recover valuable materials or produce energy from rubbish.

Advanced waste processing facilities are being used safely and reliably around the world. They provide an essential and cost effective service to local authorities and businesses.

Read the fact sheet About advanced waste processing to find out more.



MWRRG is leading a procurement process on behalf of the councils to seek proposals from industry for an advanced waste processing facility.

No technology or site has been selected yet. This will be identified during the procurement process.

Currently there have been no sites identified as suitable in the south east region.

The procurement process will take up to two years to rigorously explore all the alternatives in detail.