How do you want to get active in Manningham?

27 Sep 2022
Healthy Community

We're creating a program of free and discounted sport and recreation activities and we want to know what you would like included.

Active Manningham is a dual-purpose program aiming to improve social and physical wellbeing and activate local facilities and open spaces.

We're surveying people who live, work and play in Manningham about:

  • the activities you would like to participate in and where you like to be active
  • barriers that prevent you from getting active
  • ideas for making recreation and sporting opportunities accessible and inclusive.

Manningham Mayor, Cr Michelle Kleinert, said Council hoped the program would empower locals to get more active, more often, over the next three years.

“We would especially love to hear from people who don’t often take part in community sport and recreation about the kinds of activities or considerations that would inspire them to get involved.

“We will use your feedback to make the program appealing to people who feel the same way so more locals can keep active and improve their wellbeing.”

Complete the survey before Monday 31 October. For more information go to