Manningham Civic Award winners

The Manningham Civic Awards recognise residents who’ve made exceptional contributions to the Manningham community through volunteer, unpaid or paid work.

Mayor Deirdre Diamante and the 2023 Citizen of the Year Dennis Clarke

Citizen of the Year

Manningham's Citizen of the Year award goes to a resident whose outstanding contributions have improved the lives of our local community. Their contributions demonstrate a long-term commitment to community service, community innovation, philanthropy or volunteer work.

Citizen of the Year 2023 – Dennis Clarke

Dennis is a pillar within our community through his work with Doncaster RSL as the Senior Vice President, Secretary of RAEME Vietnam Southern Chapter (previously Inaugural President), Anzac and Poppy Appeals, active participant of commitees such as VVAA Box Hill Committee, ALPGA, VACC, RACV and more.

Citizen of the Year Honour Roll
2023 Dennis Clarke
2022 Margaret Kelly

Ian Goldsmith

2019 Hardy Shum
2018 Geoff Roberts
Mayor Deirdre Diamante with Shin Thant (Berry) Eain

Young Citizen of the Year

This award recognises the outstanding contribution made by a young Manningham resident to improve our local community. This can be demonstrated through leadership qualities, inspiring others through action or being a positive role model. 

Young Citizen of the Year 2023 – Shin Thant (Berry) Eain

Berry is committed to making a difference and is determined to bridge the gap between local and international students within her school and also wider community. She is an incredible role model to her peers and is an advocate for student voice. 

Young Citizen of the Year Honour Roll
2023 Shin Thant (Berry) Eain
2022 Stephanie Martinez

Sulaymaan Hafeez

2019 Zoe Petropoulos
2018 Jade Chan
Mayor Deirdre Diamante with the 2023 Doreen Stoves Volunteer of the Year,  Frank Johnston.

Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises the outstanding contribution made by a volunteer in the Manningham community. It highlights the contributions made by the quiet achievers, who often work behind the scenes to build a stronger and more caring society. You can nominate someone for any volunteer contribution made in the areas of community service, civic engagement, environment, sport, the arts, education, business or advocacy.

Doreen Stoves AM PSM JP Volunteer of the Year 2023 – Frank Johnston

Frank has been volunteering for Manningham organisations for over 30 years. He has dedicated his time and purpose to our community with organisations including, Manningham Uniting Church, LinC Manningham Inc., MannaCare nursing home, Outback Links, Blaze Aid and planting trees for the Tree Project. 


Doreen Stoves Volunteer of the Year Honour Roll
2023 Frank Johnston

Varvara Ioannou


Patricia Wheeler

2019 Kathy Monley
2018 Teresa Clarke
Mayor Deirdre Diamante with representative of LinC Manningham Inc

Community Organisation of the Year Award

This award recognises community organisations, clubs or groups who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to improve the lives of the Manningham community. Nominees must be not for profit community organisations who’ve made a tangible difference to diversity, acceptance and tolerance, community spirit and social connectedness in the Manningham community.

Community groups may be nominated for a specific project undertaken in the last 12 months that demonstrates a positive impact made to the Manningham community.

Community Organisation of the Year Award 2023 - LinC Manningham Inc

LinC Manningham Inc. is a community organisation made up of volunteers from various Christian churches within Manningham. It provides house cleaning, social support to new migrants and women affected by domestic violence, home cooked meals, decluttering homes, gardening, goods from Eastern Emergency Relief, or even the little things like taking clients out for a coffee or to do their shopping.

Community Organisation of the Year Award Honour Roll
2023 LinC Manningham Inc

CareNet Program


Manningham State Emergency Service

2019 Doncaster All Abilities Basketball
2018 Women’s Friendship Group
Mayor Deirdre Diamante with Sports Volunteer of the Year

Sports Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises individuals who demonstrate excellence in the sporting arena and/or displays exemplary leadership in the Manningham sporting community. This award is for people who inspire others, encourage participation and embody the principles of sportsmanship and fair play. 

Along with those who play sport, you can nominate anyone who contributes to Manningham’s sporting community off the field.  This includes coaches, referees/ umpires, organisers, volunteers and officials. If you’d like to nominate someone for an achievement made through a paid role, please demonstrate how they’ve contributed to the Manningham community in addition to their expected duties.

Sports Volunteer of the Year 2023 - Caroline Clarkson

Caroline has devoted her energy to the Committee of Doncaster Dolphins Masters Swimming club in various roles such as, club Registrar, Recorder, Secretary and President. 

Sports Volunteer of the Year Honour Roll
2023 Caroline Clarkson

Vince Montuoro


Roland Frasca

2019 Alan Duffus
2018 Alf Molinaro