About council

We are proud to deliver over 100 different services to our vibrant and diverse community. Discover our community, heritage and surrounds. Learn what drives our strategic vision - and how we do it. 

How council works

Governance, public registers and your rights

Find information on our strategies and action plans.

We're fully committed to protecting your information. We only collect necessary personal information and only use it for its intended purpose.

We’ve made several public interest documents available for inspection such as public disclosure documents. You can make a request to take a look.

At Manningham we're bound by legislative instruments that protects your rights and how we spend public money. Learn about the laws that help you.

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives the public a legal right to access many documents in Council’s possession.

We've developed this website to be as accessible to as many people as possible and compliant with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Woman reading letter at desk

Rates and valuations

Learn more about your property's rates and valuations.

Grandparents with children


Find information on our policies.

Exterior of Manningham Civic Centre at dusk

Strategies and action plans

Find information on our strategies and action plans.

Discover our area, history and demographics

There’s something for everyone in Manningham. From sacred sites of the area’s First Peoples to the early gold mining settlements, the local area has a bit of everything for you to appreciate and enjoy.


Grants, Funding and Hardship Assistance

We are committed to developing and fostering partnerships with not-for-profit groups and organisations whose work enriches the municipality and is consistent with our vision. 


Building a better Manningham

We are committed to managing our city’s infrastructure efficiently and sustainably to better meet the needs and expectations of our growing community. 

Our capital works program brings this commitment to life by managing the maintenance and improvement of council assets, facilities and community spaces through a number of key projects.

Careers at Manningham
Latest news in About Council