Grants and funding

The Community Grant program supports and empowers community groups and organisations to deliver programs and activities for our community in Manningham. 

We are committed to developing and fostering partnerships with not-for-profit groups and organisations whose work enriches the municipality and is consistent with our vision

Grant opportunities

The new Seniors Club Support Grant helps seniors clubs to deliver programs and activities that benefit the health and quality of life of older adults in our community.

The new Healthy Ageing Grant supports groups delivering programs and activities that benefit the health and quality of life of older adults in our community.  

The Community Development Grant allows organisations to respond to a demonstrated community need with a focus on vulnerable individuals and groups.

The community partnership grant lets not-for-profit groups and organisations to achieve longer term community and cultural development outcomes.

The Small Grant lets not for profit groups to deliver one off, innovative activities supporting the community and enhances the lives of residents.

The Arts Grant allows organisations to deliver arts, cultural and heritage activities that reflect the diversity of the community.

The Festival and Events Grant helps groups to support community led festivals and events that attract visitors and activate key locations.

Funding opportunities

Are you looking for funding to help build sporting facilities infrastructure in our community? Find out if you're eligible to apply.

The Manningham Community Fund supports and distributes funds to community organisations to create a positive change in the community.


Apply for assistance to preserve your bushland

These grants are designed to help property owners with land care education, land stewardship, pest and animal control and ecological improvement works.

Related news in grants, funding and hardship assistance