Heritage Funds Announced

1 Oct 2014
Healthy Community

Manningham Council has announced the successful applicants for the 2014/15 Heritage Restoration Fund for both building restoration works and for trees and gardens.

A total of 27 applications were received, with Manningham Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee supporting 22 applications, with grants totalling $35,000.

A total of 16 applications for the Heritage Restoration Fund (building restoration works) and
11 applications for the trees and gardens section of the Fund were received for 2014/2015.

The Heritage Restoration Fund provides the owners of identified properties with the opportunity to apply for a small grant to assist with the maintenance and restoration of significant heritage buildings and other places of interest.

The Heritage Restoration Fund (Trees and Gardens) is intended to assist owners of identified significant trees and gardens to undertake appropriate maintenance works or to obtain a suitable water supply to provide for the longevity of the identified tree(s) and/or garden.

Manningham Mayor Cr Jim Grivokostopoulos said that the Heritage Restoration Fund has been operating successfully for more than twenty years.

“Manningham has some beautiful and significant heritage buildings, places of local, regional and state interest and significant trees and gardens. Council believes it is important that these properties and features of our City are properly restored and maintained, and available for generations to come,” he said.