Jumping Creek Road works scheduled for March 2024

4 Mar 2024
Liveable Places and Spaces Warrandyte Wonga Park

Here's what you need to know about the upcoming works on Jumping Creek Road.

Replacement of safety barriers

In late March, we will begin replacing safety barriers and installing pedestrian safety fencing on the Jumping Creek Road bridge. These works aim to improve pedestrian safety and will allow the recreational trail works to continue connecting the bridge and state park.

Construction will occur between 7.00am and 5.00pm on weekdays for around two months. During these times, one lane of the road will be closed, and the speed limit will be reduced to 40 km/hour through the area.

Patching and repair night works

We're also preparing to begin extensive patching and repair works on Jumping Creek Road, between Nelson Drive and Homestead Road.

These works will begin in mid to late March 2024, pending third party approvals.

These works aim to fix weak spots and potholes, improving road safety and durability until the Jumping Creek Road upgrade project reconstructs the road in the coming years. Some of the works within this project will be integrated into the upgrade project.

Four sections have been identified to be of the highest benefit to be repaired as part of these works per below:

  • Nelson Drive to 268-284 Jumping Creek Road
  • Jumping Creek Reserve to past the hairpin
  • Between Hooper Road and Stane Brae Court
  • Near the intersection of Homestead Road and Jumping Creek Road

Works will occur between 8.00pm and 5.00am every night except Fridays and Saturdays. The project will take around two weeks to complete, subject to weather conditions.

During the specified hours, Jumping Creek Road will be closed to through traffic. While we aim to minimise disruptions to residents, the direction from which you can access properties at any given time will change depending on the section we’re working on.

While we work directly in front of a property, driveway access may be blocked for up to 1.5 hours while we complete the section of works. We will have traffic management on site to guide traffic, and emergency services will have full access at all times.

You may also notice noise caused by the works and trucks travelling on and off site.  Bin collections will remain the same as usual.

Our contractor will contact impacted residents closer to the date to provide more information about the construction dates and the proposed program of work.

If you have any questions about these works, contact us.

For more information about the Jumping Creek Road upgrade, go to Your Say Manningham and subscribe to the project page for updates direct to your inbox.