Council endorsed the 2023/2024 Budget and the 10 Year Financial Plan at the June Council meeting, Tuesday 27 June 2023

28 Jun 2023
Well Governed Council

Thanks to everyone who provided their feedback during our engagement on this year’s Budget. We have worked hard to deliver in the areas that are important to you.
With an operating budget of $147 million, we will deliver more than 100 valuable services for Manningham.

We are conscious of cost-of-living pressures in our community and are providing over $1 million of relief measures by capping the increase to the waste service charge, increasing our low-income rate rebate and introducing subsidies for school holiday programs.

We’re continuing to invest in our community infrastructure with an extensive $54 million capital works program to maintain and enhance Council’s $2.5 billion of community assets.

This is in addition to the $20 million allocated to maintaining important community assets.

We’re delivering on our Council Plan. This includes:

  • $38 million for a healthy community
  • $24 million for liveable places and spaces
  • $22 million for a resilient environment
  • $5 million for a vibrant and prosperous economy
  • $31 million for a well governed Council.

The 2023/24 Budget document and a summary of what’s included are available at