Carsharing gains momentum in Manningham

12 Mar 2024
Healthy Community

Residents will continue holding the key to carsharing in Manningham, following a successful 18-month trial.

Together with GoGet, we have extended the trial in Doncaster Hill and Tullamore Estate to July 2025.

Carsharing allows you to hire vehicles on demand, by the hour, or by the day, and without the parking hassles when you’re done.

It’s one of the ways we’re working to improve our transport network and provide more sustainable, cost-effective options. Carsharing can help reduce:

  • car dependency
  • traffic congestion
  • parking demand
  • greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the GoGet Annual personal Survey 2023, the most important factors for Manningham residents choosing to join GoGet is to access the wide range of vehicle types and make trips that are inconvenient by other transport modes.

“Car share availability was excellent for afterhours activities which would have been more difficult through hire car services,” Manningham resident (GoGet Annual Personal Survey, 2023).

Since the trial launched in November 2022:

  • GoGet membership increased by 30% in Manningham to almost 600 members.
  • 200+ metres of street parking freed-up
  • 118.25 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided in 2023
  • 458,000km of private vehicle travel prevented

There are six car share vehicles located at various locations in Doncaster Hill and Tullamore Estate.